Planning and Performance Manager (PPM) is business intelligence software
developed exclusively for healthcare organizations. PPM validates and
integrates data from all non-clinical systems to maximize business outcomes.
Its five key functions are:
Planning and Budgeting. PPM completely automates forecasting
and budgeting, reducing the time commitment by 80 to 90 percent while
substantially improving the accuracy. Leaders can predict or simulate the
impact of decisions before they are implemented.
Performance Management. PPM provides regular and ad hoc
reports to evaluate actual results against plans, to analyze variances and
maintain accountability, and to update or revise plans as required. It also
compares provider productivity by location and by payment source.
Profitability and Margins. PPM presents profitability and
margin reporting and analyses by location, provider, payer and other “product”
lines including full risk capitation. It calculates relative value units using
data from existing systems and performs complex cost allocation and
distribution functions in minutes.
Opportunity Capital Management. PPM quantifies the unconverted
value of an organization’s optimum performance, referred to as its “opportunity
capital.” It identifies key variables and “opportunities” throughout the
organization and creates action lists or templates to convert those
opportunities into results.
Grants and Compliance.PPM uses Uniform Parameter Sets (UPS)
and variable reporting periods to reduce the cost generating these reports
while improving the quality of data that is reported to regulatory agencies and
third party funding organizations.